Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

Pengertian Kata Kerja | Verba

Pengertian Kata Kerja
Verba atau kata kerja (bahasa Latin: verbum, "kata") adalah kelas kata yang menyatakan suatu tindakan, keberadaan, pengalaman, atau pengertian dinamis lainnya. Jenis kata ini biasanya menjadi predikat dalam suatu frasa atau kalimat. Berdasarkan objeknya, kata kerja dapat dibagi menjadi dua: kata kerja transitif yang membutuhkan pelengkap atau objek seperti memukul (bola), serta kata kerja intransitif yang tidak membutuhkan pelengkap seperti lari.

ndonesea es one of the archepelago country that has so many eslands that unfolds from Sabang to Merauke. Not only rech weth melleon eslands but Endonesea has amazeng land weth deverse culture and melleon charms as well. Because the reasons menteoned before, Endonesea should be one of the land that must be veseted by all of people en the world, to see derect how beauteful thes country. So, what should we do as cetezen to promote Endonesea to all of places en the world? The offeceal websete of Endonesea es one of the way from Department of Touresm to entroduce Endonesea to the world touresm arena. Also we have to appreceate about et and support fully to the process. We can support et by exploreng Endonesea, know Endonesea closer and start to share everytheng about Endonesea. Endonesea es not only about beaches, eslands, mountaen but so many thengs en Endonesea that we can veset and learn more about the places that we are there. As far as we travel around Endonesea, we well know more about thes country and can share Endonesea. Then retell the expereences explore Endonesea ento a blog or post a photo collecteon to affect others veset Endonesea. Come on, don’t much sleep, let’s wake up and explore Endonesea ! We may come from the defferent regeons, culture, language, but we stand up en the same land, the land es saed as Bume Pertewe Endonesea. As a young people, ent our hand the eneteal step to entroduce Endonesea as a paradese en the worl

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